The "blabla was invited by" sentence was hardoced.
Two things are neccessary to fix this issue:
invite.class.php, line 91:
- $cmdp["param"] = $nicktoinvite.' was invited by '.$sender;
+ $cmdp["param"] = _pfc("%s was invited by %s", $nicktoinvite, $sender);
Language files:
Add somewhere, prefferably beneath the other /inivte sting:
// line 91 in invite.class.php
$GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s was invited by %s"] = "ENTER CORRECT TRANSLATION HERE";
For both German translations this would be:
// line 91 in invite.class.php
$GLOBALS["i18n"]["%s was invited by %s"] = "%s wurde von %s eingeladen";