Hello Guys,
I try to integrate phpFreeChat into my environment, and want to get the nickname for the chat from either the session or a cookie (both is ok)
$GLOBALS['pfc_hooks']['pfc.before.auth'][5] = function ($app, $req, $res) {
return function () use ($app, $req, $res) {
return $_COOKIE['Adlerchat-name']; // TODO: replace this code with a real example
in server/config.php
but the cookie seems to be empty (if i append e.g. a "001" the nick is "001")
the cookie exists and contains the desired username. (i.e. it is visible in firecookie, a test simple script outside the context of the site shows the value, and within the page it seems to be available too, but not within the hook)
du i have to activate / configure / set / ... something somewhere?