open src/commands/kick.class.php
scroll down to:
- Code: Select all
if ($nick == '')
// error
$cmdp = $p;
$cmdp["param"] = _pfc("Missing parameter");
$cmdp["param"] .= " (".$this->usage.")";
$cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory("error");
$cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
immediately after that, paste this, replacing 'insert your user name here' with your user name, inside the single quotes.
you can change the error message too, on the "param" line:
- Code: Select all
if ($nick == 'insert your user name here')
//not a good move
$cmdp = $p;
$cmdp["param"] = _pfc(" You know that is not going to happen, right? ");
$cmd =& pfcCommand::Factory("error");
$cmd->run($xml_reponse, $cmdp);
This is a soft approach that generates an error message
Open ban.class.php and do the same thing