Documentation - Chat commands

Here is a list of commands that can be used when chatting.


Add the operator flag on the given user and channel. You have to be op to use this command. Thanks to your operator rights on a given channel, you can moderate this channel by using the kick and ban commands on other joined users.

/op ["#channel"] "<username>"

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Removes the operator flag on the given user and channel. You have to be op to use this command.

/deop ["#channel"] "<username>"

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Takes off a user from a given channel. You have to be op to use this command. This is a first tool to moderate the channel. Have a look to the ban command for a more serious sanction.

/kick ["#channel"] "<username>" ["<reason>"]

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Add a user to channel's bannished list. You have to be op to use this command. When a user is added to this list, he cannot join later as long as he is in the list. Use this command to moderate the channel with serious sanction.

/ban ["#channel"] "<username>" ["<reason>"]

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Same as the /ban command but the user is directly kicked from the channel. You have to be op to use this command.

/kickban ["#channel"] "<username>" ["<reason>"]

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Remove a user from the channel's bannished list. You have to be op to use this command. Notice: the user is not notified he has been unbanned.

/unban ["#channel"] "<username>"

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0


Lists username in the channel's banished list. You have to be on the channel to use this command.

/banlist ["#channel"]

Available in phpFreeChat ≥ 2.1.0

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