phpFreeChat 0.7 on 02/15/2006

  • Implement a simple i18n system and add French/English translation of all the messages (contributions are welcomed for other translations).
  • Add the chinese translations (thanks to guoxianghao)
  • Add the formal and informal german translation (thanks to bsemf)
  • Add the arabic translation (thanks to sandra rizk)
  • Bug fix: add dirname(FILE) to xajax require_once to avoid problems on badly configured php servers.
  • Switch minimize and maximize icon.
  • Add “phoenity” smiley theme. These smileys have been developed by Lim Chee Aun and ported to PHPFreeChat by Robin Monks.
  • Add a function existance check into intialization step. The aim is to have a better control on why phpFreeChat doesn't work on such server configuration.
  • Add “famfamfam” smiley theme based on the icons at Ported to PHPFreeChat by Robin Monks.
  • Add “client_script” option which can be used to force the script location if the autodetection doesn't work well.
  • Bug fix: on php cgi installation, the automatic script filename detection didn't work. (thanks to Wendy Novianto for the report)
  • Few container's interface clarifications. (thanks to Bernhard J. M. Grün for the report)
  • Add the “$return” parameter to “print*” methods. Setting this paraméter to true will return result instead of printing it (thanks to Wendy Novianto for the contribution).
  • phpFreeChat now uses a simple php based template engine in order to handle easily i18n translations. This modification removes Smarty library dependency.
  • Bug fix: Clicking on the message list area will set focus to input box only if the mouse didn't move after the mousedown event (stay static).
  • Use CSSTidy to optimise and to parse the CSS code. (thanks to Nemako for this contribution)
  • Make template directory configurable (vars “tplpath” and “tpltheme”) like smileys directories (thanks to Wendy Novianto for the suggestion)
  • Bug fix: on windows servers, the relativepath was incorrect (thanks to bsemf for the patch)
  • Add a shield for unreconized parameters. These parameters can be obsolete or not well written.
  • Add the “title” attribute on smileys (thanks to BenXbox for the idea)
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