===== phpFreeChat 1.0-beta6 on 09/23/2006 ===== * Makes possible to use "frozen_nick" with a empty nick parameter. So it's possible to choose the nick at beginning of the session then it's impossible to change it. * Make possible to change dynamicaly the user nickname using the parameter array (however, "frozen_nick" must be on) * Bug fix: the "width" parameters was broken * New "checktimeout" proxy used to disconnect timeouted users before playing a command * Bug fix: the nickname TAB completion was broken. * Bug fix: the % charactere was not allowed in the url format. * Bug fix: the proxy allowed path check was broken. * Add a new "/version" command used to get the current phpfreechat version. * New "/help" command use to list available commands (in future, it's planned to display command syntax/description) * Bug fix: two users with same nick at same time (thanks to wjwlsn, SF bug [[http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1555160&group_id=158880&atid=809601|1555160]]) * Bug fix: on some servers (free.fr) the "realpath()" php function is not returning FALSE when the file is missing. * New feature: when a new message is posted, the unactive window title is prefixed by the number of new messages (this can be disabled by setting to false the "notify_window" parameter). * Bug fix: the "max_text_len" parameter didn't work with utf8 (non us-ascii) strings. * Bug fix: add a references counter in order to know when the user is really disconnecter (no more '"* quit (timeout)"'). * Remove the "rm_r" and "copy_r" verification because since refactoring I do not copy full directories anymore. * Bug fix: no more blank screen on IE6! * Make "frozen_channels" a dynamic parameter. So it's a way to allow/forbid channels depending on external users rights. * Proxies refactoring : I removed the '"proxy"' parameter. I added '"skip_proxys"' used to disable a system proxy (ex: "censor"). I added '"post_proxys"' used to append your own proxy to the proxy chaine. I added '"pre_proxys"' used to prepend your own proxy to the proxy chaine. I added '"proxys_path"' used to define the location of your customized proxies. I also created demo48 to illustrate this powerfull proxy feature. * Now the commands name are case unsensitive. * Big containers refactoring: this make possible to handle easily user's metadata, fix a bug related to undisconnected but timeouted users and fix some memory leak in the default file container. * Portuguese translation ("pt_PT") update (thanks to David Pinheiro) * Bug fix: the proxy.php loading was very long with gzhandler enabled (thanks to [[http://www.freakboard.de|Alexander Blach and Andreas May]]) * New parameters: '"max_channels"' used to limit the number of channels tabs, '"max_privmsg"' used to limit the number of private messages tabs (sponsored by Johnny : $30 USD) [1h]. * Rename bad spelled parameters name : '"skip_proxys"' to '"skip_proxies"', '"post_proxys"' to '"post_proxies"', '"pre_proxys"' to '"pre_proxies"', '"proxys_cfg"' to '"proxies_cfg"', '"proxys_path"' to '"proxies_path"', and '"proxys_path_default"' to '"proxies_path_default"'. * CPU Optimization: since the new data model some operation were useless and CPU consuming. * Bug fix: the "/leave" command was broken * Improve "noflood" proxy algorithme: now it takes into account the number of posted characteres and the number of posted messages. * Add a 'Send' button right to the messages input box (sponsored by Johnny : $25 USD) [2h]. * Disk space optimization: when the last user quit a channel or a private room, the messages history is purged in the container. [1h15] * Bug fix: when a user was disconnected by timeout because of his bad connection, when hi comes back he was not correctly reconnected. So, private messages were broken. [1h15] * BBCode colors are now more flexible : I just added a transparent image with variable background colors. [45min]